Wednesday 12 May 2010

OSCE's are rubbish!

Yes this is probably a virulent outburst on this topic due to the fact that I have just completed one and I feel it has gone terribly!

But OSCE's really are a poor way of assessing the competency of a student. When I am on the road assessing a patient I feel really competent at what I am doing. I can see the patient, I can see a real not a "simulated" response and can thus manage with real equipment, not saying that I will do something actually doing in.

As a practical person, which is why I got into this job in the first place I don't respond well to the simulated make believe.

Ok that is my small rant over with, I am now going to breath. I wish all Student Paramedics, whether IHCD or university, well in any up coming exams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
